Additional information
This page includes information on topics relating to the review, such as consultancies, internal reviews, and analytical papers.
Supplementary consultation on mining revenue
On 12 April 2024, the Commission issued a supplementary consultation paper on mining revenue for the 2025 Methodology Review.
Supplementary consultation paper - mining revenue
State submissions
NSW submission
VIC submission
QLD submission
TAS submission
ACT submission
NT submission
Wages consultancy
The Commission engaged an eminent academic to review the wage costs assessment, including the specification of the econometric model used by the Commission. States were invited to provide questions and the results of the consultancy were given to them to inform their submissions on the wages consultation paper. The results will also be used to inform the Commission’s decisions on the wage costs assessment.
Wage costs consultant's report, Professor Alison Preston
State submissions
NSW submission
VIC submission
QLD submission
WA submission
SA submission
TAS submission
ACT submission
NT submission